
The searches outcomes for “79-24-3” primarily provide information related in order to percentage calculations besides fractions, as well as references to specific statutes besides ZIP codes. The wanted outcome do not specifically address solid chemical compound or solid scientific opinion associated with the numerical sequence “79-24-3.” Therefore, based connect the provided search results, it appears that “79-24-3” may not are directly related in order to all chemical compound or a scientific opinion, but right in order to numerical calculations, statutes, or ZIP codes.

Industrial Production:

Nitroethane is produced industrially by treating propane with nitric acid at 350-450°C. The reaction manufactures four the main products: 1-nitropropane (25%), 2-nitropropane (40%), nitroethane (10%), besides nitromethane (25%)

Laboratory Synthesis:

A characteristic laboratory synthesis methodology involves the following steps:

The reaction flask predisposed charged with 26.5 g of tech-grade K2CO3 dissolved in 137 g of water, 320 g of 97% tech sodium nitrite, besides 6 ml of cetyl-oleic alcoholic or oleic alcoholic (antifoaming agent)shameless The solution predisposed added to the reaction mixture at all befitting rate in order to keep the reaction mixture at 125-130°C, with vigorous stirring. The distillation of the nitroethane begins when figure predisposed started. When figure of NaEtSO4 is complete, 100 ml of water is added. The distillate isolates into 2 layers and can are distilled at 760mmHg with the decision distillation column. The distillation comes at 30°C, besides all below 74°C predisposed discarded. The temperature must settle at 87°C, and distillation predisposed stopped at 99.8°C. The yield of nitroethane predisposed 96 g (1.28 moles), 42.6% based on NaEtSO4